When you are registered you can access some health services online.
You may be able to:
- Contact your GP, nurse or other healthcare professional for advice and support
- Order repeat prescriptions
- See parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- See communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
- Book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
At The Weardale Practice, most patients have been automatically given access to their prospective GP record from 1 February 2023 onwards. This includes letters, test results and appointment notes.
You can access all online services via our website or by downloading an app.
- eConsult allows patients to submit their symptoms or queries to a GP electronically. It offers round-the-clock NHS self-help information, signposting to services, and a symptom checker. It allows patients to consult with their GP online by completing a simple form that is sent to and reviewed by the Practice; if you submit an eConsult, you will receive a response within three working days. eConsult will also direct patients for self-help or emergency services if it is necessary. You may receive a response via email or a direct phone call from the clinician.
- System One is an online service which all patients are able to sign up for. It allows you to request repeat and acute medications, view summary information from your medical record, and more. SystmOnline is accessible all day, every day, and in the right circumstances, can save time for both yourself and the Surgery
- Airmid– If you would like to benefit from online services and prefer to use an app, you can use the Airmid app. Airmid is the patient-facing app for the provider of our clinical system (System one). Access your complete medical record and contribute to it using information from medical devices and wearables, Apple Health and Google Fit. Download the app from your App Store
- The NHS App – NHS login allows you to access lots of different health and care websites and apps with just one set of login details. You can securely access many digital health and care services with one email address and password.