Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week
It was Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week last week (20 to 26 May 2024). The campaign aims to raise awareness of the risk of type 2 diabetes and how to avoid it. It also encourages the public to check their risk via the Diabetes UK Know Your Risk tool
Anyone can develop type 2 diabetes, but certain factors can increase your risk. The good news is that you can significantly reduce your risk by making small lifestyle changes with support from the Healthier You programme. You can get help to make positive changes to your diet, weight and physical activity to significantly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Find out if you’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes by doing any of the following:
- – Answering a few simple questions on the ‘Know Your Risk’ tool at riskscore.diabetes.org.uk
- – Taking up the offer of a free NHS Health Check to assess your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other conditions such as high blood pressure (available for those aged 40-74)
- – Asking your GP Practice to check if you are at risk.
If you are at risk, you may be eligible for referral to the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme by your GP Practice.
Check your risk today Diabetes UK Know Your Risk tool
You’re 2-6 times more likely to get type 2 diabetes if you have a parent, brother, sister or child with the condition.
If you have a history of Gestational Diabetes, which is high blood sugar during pregnancy, you may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. To reduce your risk join the free Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. www.england.nhs.uk/healthier-you/gdm-self-referral
For further information visit – NHS England » NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP)